Merchant One Reviews: 5 Ways to Optimize Your eCommerce Website

A difficult eCommerce checkout system can be enough to lose a sale. A simple, secure, and clear online checkout, on the other hand, can provide a positive experience for customers that helps build loyalty and keeps them coming back. As a business owner, customer experience should be a priority.

Merchant One offers eCommerce solutions for businesses that are looking to streamline their online checkout systems. But before your customers get to the shopping cart and checkout stage, you need to get them to the site in the first place, and make it a friendly place to navigate, before these hits convert into sales. Let’s look at some easy ways to optimize eCommerce sites.

1. Product Page SEO

Begin optimizing your eCommerce website with SEO keyword research. That is, find out what keywords your target audience is searching for online, and how you can place them in your website to rank higher on Google (and other) search engine results. It’s not just blog post and welcome pages that need to be keyword optimized; product and product category pages do as well. Pick transparent URLs so customers know what they are getting when they click, and place well-chosen keywords in product descriptions. If you have a large eCommerce store, optimizing can seem like a big undertaking. But take it one page at a time, and follow this guide to help you find and place the right keywords.

2. Build Trust with Security

Once customers make it to your site and find a product they like, you better believe they will look around to see how legitimate your eCommerce store seems. They will check your homepage and your About Us page, so make sure those look good and have polished copy. Add trust by including customer reviews, especially with links to trusted sources like Google business pages or TrustPilot. Create even more trust by showing that your website is secure—concerns about security are top of mind for many online shoppers, especially in the pre-Millennial generations. State that your checkout options are secure, and get an https website—the S stands for secure—rather than an http. Choose a point of sale online checkout system that is secure and responsible with customer data.

3. Quick and Easy Navigation

Customers aren’t going to wait around for your website to load, and Google favors sites with a load time of one second or less. They also aren’t going to spend time trying to navigate a difficult website. Make your products easy to find and categorize them clearly. Consider having a friend take a look at your site (or even hire a usability testing company); while the navigation may seem intuitive to you, a fresh set of eyes might spot a problem.

4. Quality Visuals

Great product photos are sure to catch customer eyes, give your website a professional sheen, and bring conversions. Along with product photos, consider adding videos. A common complaint of many online shoppers is not being able to touch or try on a product. A video of you demonstrating the product or wearing it and talking about it can help ease this pain point. Make sure to offer good return and exchange policies to make buyers even more likely to take the risk of shopping online.

5. Shopping Cart Experience 

One of the biggest frustrations of eCommerce merchants is abandoned shopping carts. Up to 70 percent of shopping carts are abandoned before checkout. There are a lot of targeted ad and marketing solutions to deal with this problem, but something as simple as a better designed shopping experience can make a difference. Consider shorter checkout process with fewer pages, or a bar showing customers their progress through the checkout.

Bonus Tip: Trust Merchant One

A good website experience—especially at the checkout stage—can result in conversion and retention. Merchant One provides eCommerce services that will help customers have a positive checkout experience that will lead to brand loyalty. Inquire today to find out what eCommerce solutions Merchant One can offer your business.


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